

The Bronze package which Firelink offers gives client initial access to the Firelink Safety Management System and is offered at a low affordably fee. Bronze clients would be provided with management support enabling them to meet their general statutory duties regarding the completion of the Fire Risk Assessment and its review.

On entry to the package the following will be provided:

  • A health check will be carried out in order to review any existing Fire Risk Assessment or to consider the need for a revised assessment.
  • The completion of a new Fire Risk Assessment and action plan.
  • Meeting to present findings and agree the action plan
  • Monthly support to guide client in regard to implementing the Fire Risk Assessment and its outcomes
  • Reviews of Firelink Fire Risk Assessment on an annual basis or at any other point which may change the relevance – e.g. following building works or a change in the premises’ use.

On entry the client will also have access to the below services.

Bronze Packages Includes:

  • Online Portal Login via Website/App
  • Monthly Online Podcast
  • Fire Risk Assessment (Once Annually)
  • Fire Door Inspection (Twice Annually)
  • Access to Accredited Remedial Works

Contact the fire protection specialists today

For further information about the services we offer, please get in touch
