Gold Package


This layer provides clients with the gold standard in respect to the Firelink commercial offer and builds upon the ‘Silver’ package. To this end, ‘Gold’ provides all the Bronze and Silver benefits but is upgraded considerably to include a full range of management consultancy and technical support.

This includes the following:

  • Six monthly Fire Door Inspections
  • Annual Compartmentation Survey
  • Maintenance of Fire Alarm
  • Strategy to lower the number of false alarms
  • Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers
  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
  • Creation of Fire Safety Management System
  • Annual review of FRA and Management System
  • Staff Training
  • Discounted remedial works
  • Business Continuity Plan – actions to secure business in the vent of a fire or other emergency affecting operations

Gold clients will be offered access to a full suite of remedial works including accredited Fire Door repairs and replacements and fire stopping works. This work will be discounted as part of the membership benefits.

Main Points of Fire Risk Assessments Include:

  • Online Portal Login via Website/App
  • Monthly Online Podcast
  • Fire Risk Assessment (Once Annually)
  • Fire Door Inspection (Twice Annually)
  • Access to Accredited Remedial Works
  • Fire Compartmentation Survey
  • Fire Extinguisher/ Dry Riser Maintenance
  • Evacuation Procedures
  • Staff Training
  • Alarm Service/ Maintenance
  • Sprinkler Service/ Maintenance
  • Smoke Vent Service/ Maintenance
  • Contingency Planning
  • Post Fire Audit Consultancy
  • Policy/ Procedure Assistance
  • Access to Consultancy

Contact the fire protection specialists today

For further information about the services we offer, please get in touch
